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Preventive Dental Services in Whitehorse

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At Klondyke Dental Centre, we believe that preventive dental education is the key to building a strong basis for a lifetime of healthy smiles. 

Prevetive Services, Whitehorse Dentist

Many people wait until they are experiencing tooth pain to visit the dentist. At Klondyke Dental Centre, we prefer to help our patients avoid discomfort in the first place.

Preventive Hygiene

The most effective way to keep your smile healthy is with regular oral hygiene care.

This includes a thorough and consistent at-home brushing and flossing routine, and regular visits with the Klondyke Dental Centre team for cleanings. » Learn More

Dental Exams & X-Rays 

At Klondyke Dental Centre, we perform dental exams (check-ups) to make sure your smile is healthy, and that there are no dental problems that need to be addressed. » Learn More

Contact Klondyke Dental Centre today to book an appointment for a checkup and cleaning.

Questions about our services? Ready to book an appointment?

Contact Klondyke Dental Centre today.

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(867) 668-3152